Colin has been featured on:

The Mind Your Business Podcast with James Wedmore
"The more I SPEAK, the more money I make. Therefore I ALWAYS go to the best for the coaching and support I need: Colin Boyd. Colin is the real deal. He's had almost a decade of experience in the expert industry and knows how to run a successful speaking, training and online business. He has given me countless prompts, frameworks and story ideas that have paid off so well with my audiences that I am forever grateful! So if you're a speaker, trainer or consultant and want to grow and leverage your business, I know he can help you."

Foot Traffic Podcast with Stacy Tuschl
“I knew Colin was 'the go to' because a lot of my friends had gone to him already and had just amazing success stories. So I decided to reach out to him to see if there was anything he could teach me that I didn’t already know and honestly my mind was blown… and I will tell you this is the first time going into my event that I felt as prepared as I was.”

The Sigrun Show
"I had never done a live event and I was quite nervous. Colin calmed my nerves and showed me his "Sell From Stage Formula" to plan the agenda and gave me a process to sell from stage. I learned how the agenda prepares the offer. I offered masterminds at the event and I made $170,000 in one day. I've never made so much in one event. Now I have an exact formula I can follow every-time."

The Influencer Podcast with Julie Solomon
"Today’s podcast guest, Colin Boyd, teaches people how to become more confident while speaking on stage, whether that ‘stage’ is at a live event, an online webinar or even a Facebook live. He also teaches "infusion selling" which is essentially speaking in a way that sells throughout your whole presentation, rather than selling or making an offer at the end. Tune in to this episode to hear how to expertly communicate with your audience - without coming off like a sleazy salesperson"

Screw The Nine to FIve Podcast
"How terrified are you from speaking and selling from the stage? What if I told you that our guest on today's episode, speaking expert Colin Boyd, says that the average conversion rate from selling on a physical stage is close to 25%? Would that change your mind and help you get over your fear of public speaking? Listen in as Josh and Colin jam on ways to sell from stage without coming across like a douchebag"

The Thriving Stylist Podcast with Brit Seva
"Colin Boyd is one of my secret weapons. When I need help clarifying my message, preparing for a presentation or communicating effectively as a leader he is one of my go-to resources. He has been incredibly influential in the way that I educate, in the way that I present and in the way that I teach ALL of my information. If you’re ready to take your speaking, presenting or communication to the next level, this one's for you."

The Inner Boss Podcast with Jen Casey
"In this episode, we talk about speaking and selling from the stage featuring Colin Boyd, putting your personality into the framework/structure, how great storytelling = high engagement, tapping into conviction to get conversation and ways to increase engagement and get back on track after a distraction. Colin Boyd is a certified speaking professional from The National Speakers Association. He is an expert in teaching people to speak more persuasively from the stage."
Have Colin on Your Podcast

Hot topics for your podcast feature with Colin:
- How to use your Signature story to Sell your programs.
- How to Speak and Sell on Stage. (without feeling pushy or sales-y)
- The Mindset for Speaking with Confidence.
Unique talking points and questions with Colin:
- How can someone become confident on stage or webinar?
- What’s the latest ideas for selling on stage, that are actually working in the new marketplace?
- How can you sell on stage without coming across pushy and salesy?
- What are the 6 levels of persuasive speaking?
- How can you discover your signature story and use it to Sell your programs?

Why Colin’s a good guest:
- We have 15,000+ direct email subscribers, a total social reach of 20,000+ and growing everyday. We will email them and promote the show for you.
- I’m good at articulating clear actionable ideas that your audience can actually use.
- I’m not gonna take 28mins to answer one question! I’m aware that you also have an agenda for the episode and I’ll respect that.

Media Kit
Official Bio
Colin helps experts, course creators and coaches to speak confidently on stage to sell...without coming across as pushy or sales-y. He’s obsessed with creating step-by-step strategies that anyone can follow to become both confident and powerful at speaking and selling on live stage, webinar and video. As a keynote speaker for over 10 years, he brings a depth of experience that few have to entertain and also moves an audience to action. He’s best known for Sell From Stage Academy® which is the leading program for growing your business through speaking. He lives in Newport Beach, California with his amazing wife and two little kids.