Making High Revenue With Low Ticket Offers w/ Kayse Morris

Having a low-ticket offer does not mean you have to make low revenue. In the Expert industry, there is definitely a strong pull towards selling high-ticket programs. The problem with this is that if that's not a match for the audience you serve then you'll end up making less money and a lot less impact.

One of the smartest things to do is to price your programs in the context of your industry and the type of audience you want to attract.

I'm not saying you have to be the cheapest, but being considerate of the market is smart because as you'll see in the interview today with online teacher membership expert Kayse Morris, you don't have to have high-ticker programs to run a multimillion-dollar business.

So if you want to build a membership site or serve a larger audience with lower tickets, this podcast will help you to understand the strategy and implement it in a truly successful way. Enjoy.

Also, make sure to hit the "Subscribe" button so you don't miss an episode!

>>> iTunes Link: Enjoy this interview w/ Kayse Morris on Making High Revenue With Low Ticket w/ Kayse Morris

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Here is the link to Kayse Morris information.


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